Start of a New Session!

by carouselgym

Welcome to Carousel Gymnastics! We are excited to have you and your family as part of our community. As we kick off our fall session, we want to share a few reminders that will help everyone have a safe and enjoyable experience at Carousel!

Our lobby area is a place for gymnasts and visitors to gather before and after classes, we love to see the camaraderie of parents, friends, and athletes, but in order to maintain a distraction free area we ask that you follow a few of our safety tips.

Here are a few tips on lobby area etiquette:

  • Check in at the front desk. All gymnasts must check in at the front desk for attendance before entering the gym. This helps us to keep track of who is in the building and to ensure the safety of all of our members.
  • Store your belongings in the locker room. For safety reasons, gymnasts should not leave their belongings in the lobby area. Please use the locker room to store your child’s backpack, coat, and other belongings.
  • No running, gymnastics, or ninja skills in the lobby area. The lobby area is a shared space, and we want to make sure that everyone is safe. Please remind your children to walk or run slowly in the lobby area, and to refrain from doing any gymnastics or ninja skills.
  • Use inside voices. The lobby area can be a busy place, and it can be difficult for the front desk staff to hear when they are on the phone. Please remind your children to use inside voices when they are in the lobby area.
  • Supervise your children. All children must be supervised by a parent or guardian when they are in or outside of our building. This is for the safety of your child and other members of our community.
  • We appreciate your cooperation in following these lobby area etiquette tips. By working together, we can create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone at Carousel Gymnastics.